(281) 780-6532

Expert Witness

What experience does Eric Ramirez have as an Expert Witness against the Insurance Company?

Eric has performed as an Expert Witness for many attorneys, it can be from Forensic Estimate with a Narrative report, to 1-2 days of deposition and several days standing in trial .

  • George Martinez (vs.) Ocean Harbor Insurance
  • Gerald Brown (vs.) Auto Club County Mutual Insurance Company
  • Steven & Julie Arredondo (vs.) Assurant Specialty Property
  • Rose Broussard (vs.) Texas Fair Plan Association
  • etc.

What other Expert Witness has Eric Ramirez done.

Eric Ramirez holds strong ethics in construction as a Master Builder and Building Inspector. Eric Ramirez has served as an Expert Witness against Builder, Contractors, and Con-Artist (fly-by-nighter).

As Texas is not a license Contractor State, he has seen the worst with the contractors from New Construction, Existing, Alterations, etc.

Eric Ramirez is Pro-Active with contractors needing to know minimum building requirements. International Code Council (ICC) has a nice solution with (2) courses in place with Pearson Vue for testing and submitting a bond to the states.

(204) – Texas General Building Contractor

(206) – Texas Residential Building Contractor

ICC had a Roofer Contractors (764) but was taken out on June 30, 2015, this should have stayed.